Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 4, 2015

Một số kỹ thuật testing

1. Kỹ thuật phân vùng tương đương (Equivalence Partitioning)
1.1. Ý tưởng:
Phân vùng tương đương là phương pháp chia các điều kiện đầu vào thành những vùng tương đương nhau. Tất cả các giá trị trong một vùng tương đương sẽ cho một kết quả đầu ra giống nhau. Vì vậy chúng ta có thể test một giá trị đại diện trong vùng tương đương.
Equivalence Partitioning
Hình 1. Kỹ thuật phân vùng tương đương
Thiết kế test case bằng kỹ thuật phân vùng tương đương tiến hành theo 2 bước:
(1) Xác định các lớp tương đương
(2) Xác định các ca kiểm thử
1.2. Ví dụ:
(*) Form login bao gồm:
User: Text-box
PassWord: Text-box
Yêu cầu:
Thiết kế test case sao cho người dùng nhập vào ô text-box user chỉ cho nhập ký tự chữ với độ dài trong khoảng [6-20]
Nếu nhập giá trị với số ký tự không nằm trong khoảng [6-20] => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
Nếu để trống ô hoặc nhập ký tự khác ký tự chữ => hiển thị lỗi “Tên người dùng chưa hợp lệ! Vui lòng nhập ký tự chữ”
(*) Dựa vào yêu cầu bài toán ta có thể có các lớp tương đương(phân vùng) sau:
+ Phân vùng 1: Nhập giá trị hợp lệ từ 6 => 20
+ Phân vùng 2: Nhập giá trị không hợp lệ < 6 ký tự
+ Phân vùng 3: Nhập giá trị không hợp lệ > 20 ký tự
+ Phân vùng 4: Trường hợp để trống không nhập gì hay nhập ký tự không phải dạng chữ
Sau khi áp dụng phân vùng tương đương có thể chọn được các ca kiểm thử (test case) sau:
+ Case 1: Nhập giá trị từ 6 => 20 => pass
+ Case 2: Nhập giá trị < 6 ký tự (có thể chọn nhập 1, 2, 3, 4 hoặc 5 ký tự) => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
+ Case 3: Nhập giá trị > 20 ký tự (có thể chọn nhập 21, 22, 23,… ký tự) => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
+ Case 4: Để trống không nhập gì hay nhập ký tự không phải dạng chữ => hiển thị lỗi “Tên người dùng chưa hợp lệ! Vui lòng nhập ký tự chữ”
1.3. Ưu/ nhược điểm:
(*) Ưu điểm:
Vì mỗi vùng tương đương ta chỉ cần test trên các phần tử đại diện nên số lượng test case được giảm đi khá nhiều nhờ đó mà thời gian thực hiện test cũng giảm đáng kể.
(*) Nhược điểm:
Không phải với bất kỳ bài toán nào đều có thể áp dụng kỹ thuật này. Có thể bị lack lỗi ở biên nếu chỉ chọn giá trị ở khoảng giữa của miền tương đương.
Vì vậy việc kết hợp linh hoạt giữa kỹ thuật phân vùng tương đương và phân tích giá trị biên dưới đây sẽ mang lại hiệu quả cao hơn để vừa tối ưu số lượng test case và vẫn đảm bảo đươc chất lượng phần mềm.
2. Kỹ thuật phân tích giá trị biên (Boundary-value Analysis)
2.1. Ý tưởng:
Hầu hết các lỗi được tìm thấy khi kiểm tra ở các giá trị biên. Vì vậy phương pháp này tập trung vào việc kiểm thử các giá trị biên này.
Phân tích giá trị biên là trường hợp đặc biệt của phân vùng tương đương, dựa trên những phân vùng tương đương tester sẽ xác định giá trị biên giữa những phân vùng này và lựa chọn test case phù hợp.
Các case chuẩn được lựa chọn dựa vào quy tắc sau:
Giá trị biên nhỏ nhất – 1
Giá trị biên nhỏ nhất
Giá trị biên lớn nhât
Giá trị biên lớn nhất + 1
Nhưng nếu bạn muốn kiểm tra sâu hơn thì bạn cũng có thể lựa chọn theo quy tắc:
Giá trị biên nhỏ nhất – 1
Giá trị biên nhỏ nhất
Giá trị biên nhỏ nhất + 1
Giá trị biên lớn nhất – 1
Giá trị biên lớn nhất
Giá trị biên lớn nhất + 1
Boundary-value Analysis
Hình 2. Kỹ thuật phân tích giá trị biên
2.2. Ví dụ:
(*) Form login bao gồm:
User: Text-box
PassWord: Text-box
Yêu cầu:
Thiết kế test case sao cho người dùng nhập vào ô text-box user chỉ cho nhập ký tự chữ với độ dài trong khoảng [6-20]
Nếu nhập giá trị với số ký tự không nằm trong khoảng [6-20] => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
Nếu để trống ô hoặc nhập ký tự khác ký tự chữ => hiển thị lỗi “Tên người dùng chưa hợp lệ! Vui lòng nhập ký tự chữ”
(*)Theo phương pháp phân vùng tương đương ở trên ta xây dựng được các miền tương đương:
+ Phân vùng 1: Nhập giá trị hợp lệ từ 6 => 20
+ Phân vùng 2: Nhập giá trị không hợp lệ < 6 ký tự
+ Phân vùng 3: Nhập giá trị không hợp lệ > 20 ký tự
+ Phân vùng 4: Trường hợp để trống không nhập gì hay nhập ký tự không phải dạng chữ
Áp dụng kỹ thuật phân tích giá trị biên ta chọn được các case sau:
+ Case 1: Nhập giá trị với 5 ký tự => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
+ Case 2: Nhập giá trị với 6 ký tự => pass
+ Case 3: Nhập giá trị với 20 ký tự => pass
+ Case 4: Nhập giá trị với 21 ký tự => hiển thị lỗi “Bạn chỉ được phép nhập chuỗi từ 6 => 20 ký tự”
+ Case 5: Để trống không nhập gì hay nhập ký tự không phải dạng chữ => hiển thị lỗi “Tên người dùng chưa hợp lệ! Vui lòng nhập ký tự chữ
2.3. Ưu/ nhược điểm:
(*) Ưu điểm:
Thay vì phải test hết toàn bộ các giá trị trong từng vùng tương đương, kỹ thuật phân tích giá trị biên tập trung vào việc kiểm thử các giá trị biên của miền giá trị inputs để thiết kế test case do “lỗi thường tiềm ẩn tại các ngõ ngách và tập hợp tại biên”.
Tiết kiệm thời gian thiết kế test case và thực hiện test.
(*) Nhược điểm:
Phương pháp này chỉ hiệu quả trong trường hợp các đối số đầu vào (input variables) độc lập với nhau và mỗi đối số đều có một miền giá trị hữu hạn.
3. Đoán lỗi (Error Guessing)
3.1. Ý tưởng:
Phương pháp này không có quy trình cụ thể vì có tính trực giác cao và không thể dự đoán trước.
Phương pháp chỉ phù hợp với những Tester có kinh nghiệm. Họ được đưa cho 1 chương trình, họ phỏng đoán dựa vào trực giác, dựa vào kinh nghiệm, dữ liệu lịch sử về các lỗi đã từng xảy ra với chương trình trước đó… và sau đó viết các ca kiểm thử để đưa ra các lỗi đó.
A man sits pensively. Frequently asked questions. 3d render
Hình 3: Kỹ thuật đoán lỗi
3.2. Ví dụ:
Ở màn hình login, đôi khi developer code thì gán user name là “admin” và pass là rỗng hoặc “123” vì vậy khi thực hiện test mình nên test cả case này
3.3. Ưu/ nhược điểm:
(*) Ưu điểm:
Sử dụng phương pháp này có thể giúp tester tìm ra những lỗi điển hình thường xảy ra trong phần mềm hoặc những lỗi không thể tìm thấy khi thiết kế test case theo hình thức formal
(*) Nhược điểm:
Kỹ thuật này thường được thực hiện bởi các Tester có kinh nghiệm và không theo một quy tắc nhất định, thiết kế test case dựa nhiều vào cảm tính
Tổng kết:
Ngoài 3 kỹ thuật thiết kế test case đã nói ở trên, bạn cũng có thể tìm hiểu và sử dụng rất nhiều các kỹ thuật khác nữa như: thiết kế test case dựa trên đồ thị nguyên nhân – kết quả(Cause-Effect Diagram), dựa trên bảng quyết định(Decision Tables)
Để giảm thiểu số case đến mức tối ưu mà vẫn đảm bảo chất lượng phần mềm, mỗi tester cần linh hoạt trong việc lựa chọn các kỹ thuật thiết kế test case.
Chúc các bạn thành công trong việc vận dụng các kỹ thuật này để đạt được hiệu quả cao nhất!

Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 4, 2015

How to stress test this chat application

I am creating a chat application with node.js and I want to know how many chatters my application can handle.
What I want to know is what will happen to CPU and memory on the server having 10,100,1000,10000,100000 chatters talking to each other and see if the application and server can handle this much connections. I also want to know if the messages these chatters send will be progressed as they should.
I'm testing my application with Cucumber and Selenium. With Cucumber/Selenium I could open a few browser windows and start chatting, but I guess this would not be a good solution testing it with 1000 or more chatters. Though this would be ideal to test with because I can use real scenarios.
I have also looked at ab but I am not very sure if it can test the application itself or just create a lot of connections.
What would be the best way to test and are there good tools for testing this?
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Welcome to SQA, Klaasvaak. What do you mean by, "if the messages these chatters send will be progressed as they should"? –  user246 Dec 19 '12 at 16:01
With that I mean the functionality I made should keep working if there are a lot of users. –  Klaasvaak Dec 19 '12 at 16:57

2 Answers

As I understand it, you have two requirements: a load requirement (simulate up to 100,000 simultaneous chats; determine whether chatters can connect) and a functional requirement (determine whether the chats are processed correctly). You will probably use different technologies for the two of those.
For the load requirement, you want something that can handle initiating and communicating over lots of simultaneous connections. ab appears measure how many of the same request the server can handle simultaneously. Presumably your chat protocol is more complicated than that. For example, I suspect the chat application has to start by logging in.
I assume you are looking for an open source solution. There are plenty of those available, but you might start by looking at JMeter and The Grinder.
For the functional requirement, you may want to use Selenium since you are already familiar with it. You do not need 100,000 of these -- just one (or a handful) should suffice.
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Thanks for your answer. You are right about Selenium use for functional requirement. I was just thinking to use it for load testing, which would be a little difficult... I will take a look at JMeter and The Grinder and let you know if this is what I was looking for. –  Klaasvaak Dec 19 '12 at 17:00
use Jmeter and recording with proxy. Set proxy to internet explorer as all app shared that settings. And depend on the chat application, you can create a test case and then run that. For basic idea on jmter, you may see my blog( or you may mail to me.
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Software Testing - Overview

Software Testing - Overview

What is Testing?

Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple words, testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.
According to ANSI/IEEE 1059 standard, Testing can be defined as - A process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.

Who does Testing?

It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s). In the IT industry, large companies have a team with responsibilities to evaluate the developed software in context of the given requirements. Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called Unit Testing. In most cases, the following professionals are involved in testing a system within their respective capacities:
  • Software Tester
  • Software Developer
  • Project Lead/Manager
  • End User
Different companies have different designations for people who test the software on the basis of their experience and knowledge such as Software Tester, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, QA Analyst, etc.
It is not possible to test the software at any time during its cycle. The next two sections state when testing should be started and when to end it during the SDLC.

When to Start Testing?

An early start to testing reduces the cost and time to rework and produce error-free software that is delivered to the client. However in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), testing can be started from the Requirements Gathering phase and continued till the deployment of the software. It also depends on the development model that is being used. For example, in the Waterfall model, formal testing is conducted in the testing phase; but in the incremental model, testing is performed at the end of every increment/iteration and the whole application is tested at the end.
Testing is done in different forms at every phase of SDLC:
  • During the requirement gathering phase, the analysis and verification of requirements are also considered as testing.
  • Reviewing the design in the design phase with the intent to improve the design is also considered as testing.
  • Testing performed by a developer on completion of the code is also categorized as testing.

When to Stop Testing?

It is difficult to determine when to stop testing, as testing is a never-ending process and no one can claim that a software is 100% tested. The following aspects are to be considered for stopping the testing process:
  • Testing Deadlines
  • Completion of test case execution
  • Completion of functional and code coverage to a certain point
  • Bug rate falls below a certain level and no high-priority bugs are identified
  • Management decision

Verification & Validation

These two terms are very confusing for most people, who use them interchangeably. The following table highlights the differences between verification and validation.
1Verification addresses the concern: "Are you building it right?"Validation addresses the concern: "Are you building the right thing?"
2Ensures that the software system meets all the functionality.Ensures that the functionalities meet the intended behavior.
3Verification takes place first and includes the checking for documentation, code, etc.Validation occurs after verification and mainly involves the checking of the overall product.
4Done by developers.Done by testers.
5It has static activities, as it includes collecting reviews, walkthroughs, and inspections to verify a software.It has dynamic activities, as it includes executing the software against the requirements.
6It is an objective process and no subjective decision should be needed to verify a software.It is a subjective process and involves subjective decisions on how well a software works.

Software Testing - Myths

Given below are some of the most common myths about software testing.

Myth 1 : Testing is Too Expensive

Reality : There is a saying, pay less for testing during software development or pay more for maintenance or correction later. Early testing saves both time and cost in many aspects, however reducing the cost without testing may result in improper design of a software application rendering the product useless.

Myth 2 : Testing is Time-Consuming

Reality : During the SDLC phases, testing is never a time-consuming process. However diagnosing and fixing the errors identified during proper testing is a time-consuming but productive activity.

Myth 3 : Only Fully Developed Products are Tested

Reality : No doubt, testing depends on the source code but reviewing requirements and developing test cases is independent from the developed code. However iterative or incremental approach as a development life cycle model may reduce the dependency of testing on the fully developed software.

Myth 4 : Complete Testing is Possible

Reality : It becomes an issue when a client or tester thinks that complete testing is possible. It is possible that all paths have been tested by the team but occurrence of complete testing is never possible. There might be some scenarios that are never executed by the test team or the client during the software development life cycle and may be executed once the project has been deployed.

Myth 5 : A Tested Software is Bug-Free

Reality : This is a very common myth that the clients, project managers, and the management team believes in. No one can claim with absolute certainty that a software application is 100% bug-free even if a tester with superb testing skills has tested the application.

Myth 6 : Missed Defects are due to Testers

Reality : It is not a correct approach to blame testers for bugs that remain in the application even after testing has been performed. This myth relates to Time, Cost, and Requirements changing Constraints. However the test strategy may also result in bugs being missed by the testing team.

Myth 7 : Testers are Responsible for Quality of Product

Reality : It is a very common misinterpretation that only testers or the testing team should be responsible for product quality. Testers’ responsibilities include the identification of bugs to the stakeholders and then it is their decision whether they will fix the bug or release the software. Releasing the software at the time puts more pressure on the testers, as they will be blamed for any error.

Myth 8 : Test Automation should be used wherever possible to Reduce Time

Reality : Yes, it is true that Test Automation reduces the testing time, but it is not possible to start test automation at any time during software development. Test automaton should be started when the software has been manually tested and is stable to some extent. Moreover, test automation can never be used if requirements keep changing.

Myth 9 : Anyone can Test a Software Application

Reality : People outside the IT industry think and even believe that anyone can test a software and testing is not a creative job. However testers know very well that this is a myth. Thinking alternative scenarios, try to crash a software with the intent to explore potential bugs is not possible for the person who developed it.

Myth 10 : A Tester's only Task is to Find Bugs

Reality : Finding bugs in a software is the task of the testers, but at the same time, they are domain experts of the particular software. Developers are only responsible for the specific component or area that is assigned to them but testers understand the overall workings of the software, what the dependencies are, and the impacts of one module on another module.

Software Testing - QA, QC & Testing

Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control

Most people get confused when it comes to pin down the differences among Quality Assurance, Quality Control, and Testing. Although they are interrelated and to some extent, they can be considered as same activities, but there exist distinguishing points that set them apart. The following table lists the points that differentiate QA, QC, and Testing.
Quality AssuranceQuality ControlTesting
QA includes activities that ensure the implementation of processes, procedures and standards in context to verification of developed software and intended requirements.It includes activities that ensure the verification of a developed software with respect to documented (or not in some cases) requirements.It includes activities that ensure the identification of bugs/error/defects in a software.
Focuses on processes and procedures rather than conducting actual testing on the system.Focuses on actual testing by executing the software with an aim to identify bug/defect through implementation of procedures and process.Focuses on actual testing.
Process-oriented activities.Product-oriented activities.Product-oriented activities.
Preventive activities.It is a corrective process.It is a preventive process.
It is a subset of Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).QC can be considered as the subset of Quality Assurance.Testing is the subset of Quality Control.

Audit and Inspection

Audit : It is a systematic process to determine how the actual testing process is conducted within an organization or a team. Generally, it is an independent examination of processes involved during the testing of a software. As per IEEE, it is a review of documented processes that organizations implement and follow. Types of audit include Legal Compliance Audit, Internal Audit, and System Audit.
Inspection : It is a formal technique that involves formal or informal technical reviews of any artifact by identifying any error or gap. As per IEEE94, inspection is a formal evaluation technique in which software requirements, designs, or codes are examined in detail by a person or a group other than the author to detect faults, violations of development standards, and other problems.
Formal inspection meetings may include the following processes: Planning, Overview Preparation, Inspection Meeting, Rework, and Follow-up.

Testing and Debugging

Testing : It involves identifying bug/error/defect in a software without correcting it. Normally professionals with a quality assurance background are involved in bugs identification. Testing is performed in the testing phase.
Debugging : It involves identifying, isolating, and fixing the problems/bugs. Developers who code the software conduct debugging upon encountering an error in the code. Debugging is a part of White Box Testing or Unit Testing. Debugging can be performed in the development phase while conducting Unit Testing or in phases while fixing the reported bugs.

Software Testing - ISO Standards

Many organizations around the globe develop and implement different standards to improve the quality needs of their software. This chapter briefly describes some of the widely used standards related to Quality Assurance and Testing.

ISO/IEC 9126

This standard deals with the following aspects to determine the quality of a software application:
  • Quality model
  • External metrics
  • Internal metrics
  • Quality in use metrics
This standard presents some set of quality attributes for any software such as:
  • Functionality
  • Reliability
  • Usability
  • Efficiency
  • Maintainability
  • Portability
The above-mentioned quality attributes are further divided into sub-factors, which you can study when you study the standard in detail.

ISO/IEC 9241-11

Part 11 of this standard deals with the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction in a specified context of use.
This standard proposed a framework that describes the usability components and the relationship between them. In this standard, the usability is considered in terms of user performance and satisfaction. According to ISO 9241-11, usability depends on context of use and the level of usability will change as the context changes.

ISO/IEC 25000:2005

ISO/IEC 25000:2005 is commonly known as the standard that provides the guidelines for Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). This standard helps in organizing and enhancing the process related to software quality requirements and their evaluations. In reality, ISO-25000 replaces the two old ISO standards, i.e. ISO-9126 and ISO-14598.
SQuaRE is divided into sub-parts such as:
  • ISO 2500n - Quality Management Division
  • ISO 2501n - Quality Model Division
  • ISO 2502n - Quality Measurement Division
  • ISO 2503n - Quality Requirements Division
  • ISO 2504n - Quality Evaluation Division
The main contents of SQuaRE are:
  • Terms and definitions
  • Reference Models
  • General guide
  • Individual division guides
  • Standard related to Requirement Engineering (i.e. specification, planning, measurement and evaluation process)

ISO/IEC 12119

This standard deals with software packages delivered to the client. It does not focus or deal with the clients’ production process. The main contents are related to the following items:
  • Set of requirements for software packages.
  • Instructions for testing a delivered software package against the specified requirements.


Some of the other standards related to QA and Testing processes are mentioned below:
IEEE 829A standard for the format of documents used in different stages of software testing.
IEEE 1061A methodology for establishing quality requirements, identifying, implementing, analyzing, and validating the process, and product of software quality metrics.
IEEE 1059Guide for Software Verification and Validation Plans.
IEEE 1008A standard for unit testing.
IEEE 1012A standard for Software Verification and Validation.
IEEE 1028A standard for software inspections.
IEEE 1044A standard for the classification of software anomalies.
IEEE 1044-1A guide for the classification of software anomalies.
IEEE 830A guide for developing system requirements specifications.
IEEE 730A standard for software quality assurance plans.
IEEE 1061A standard for software quality metrics and methodology.
IEEE 12207A standard for software life cycle processes and life cycle data.
BS 7925-1A vocabulary of terms used in software testing.
BS 7925-2A standard for software component testing.

Software Testing - Types of Testing

This section describes the different types of testing that may be used to test a software during SDLC.

Manual Testing

Manual testing includes testing a software manually, i.e., without using any automated tool or any script. In this type, the tester takes over the role of an end-user and tests the software to identify any unexpected behavior or bug. There are different stages for manual testing such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.
Testers use test plans, test cases, or test scenarios to test a software to ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing also includes exploratory testing, as testers explore the software to identify errors in it.

Automation Testing

Automation testing, which is also known as Test Automation, is when the tester writes scripts and uses another software to test the product. This process involves automation of a manual process. Automation Testing is used to re-run the test scenarios that were performed manually, quickly, and repeatedly.
Automation Testing
Apart from regression testing, automation testing is also used to test the application from load, performance, and stress point of view. It increases the test coverage, improves accuracy, and saves time and money in comparison to manual testing.

What is Automate?

It is not possible to automate everything in a software. The areas at which a user can make transactions such as the login form or registration forms, any area where large number of users can access the software simultaneously should be automated.
Furthermore, all GUI items, connections with databases, field validations, etc. can be efficiently tested by automating the manual process.

When to Automate?

Test Automation should be used by considering the following aspects of a software:
  • Large and critical projects
  • Projects that require testing the same areas frequently
  • Requirements not changing frequently
  • Accessing the application for load and performance with many virtual users
  • Stable software with respect to manual testing
  • Availability of time

How to Automate?

Automation is done by using a supportive computer language like VB scripting and an automated software application. There are many tools available that can be used to write automation scripts. Before mentioning the tools, let us identify the process that can be used to automate the testing process:
  • Identifying areas within a software for automation
  • Selection of appropriate tool for test automation
  • Writing test scripts
  • Development of test suits
  • Execution of scripts
  • Create result reports
  • Identify any potential bug or performance issues

Software Testing Tools

The following tools can be used for automation testing:
  • HP Quick Test Professional
  • Selenium
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester
  • SilkTest
  • TestComplete
  • Testing Anywhere
  • WinRunner
  • LaodRunner
  • Visual Studio Test Professional

Software Testing - Methods

There are different methods that can be used for software testing. This chapter briefly describes the methods available.

Black-Box Testing

The technique of testing without having any knowledge of the interior workings of the application is called black-box testing. The tester is oblivious to the system architecture and does not have access to the source code. Typically, while performing a black-box test, a tester will interact with the system's user interface by providing inputs and examining outputs without knowing how and where the inputs are worked upon.
The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of black-box testing.
  • Well suited and efficient for large code segments.
  • Code access is not required.
  • Clearly separates user's perspective from the developer's perspective through visibly defined roles.
  • Large numbers of moderately skilled testers can test the application with no knowledge of implementation, programming language, or operating systems.
  • Limited coverage, since only a selected number of test scenarios is actually performed.
  • Inefficient testing, due to the fact that the tester only has limited knowledge about an application.
  • Blind coverage, since the tester cannot target specific code segments or error-prone areas.
  • The test cases are difficult to design.

White-Box Testing

White-box testing is the detailed investigation of internal logic and structure of the code. White-box testing is also called glass testing or open-box testing. In order to performwhite-box testing on an application, a tester needs to know the internal workings of the code.
The tester needs to have a look inside the source code and find out which unit/chunk of the code is behaving inappropriately.
The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of white-box testing.
  • As the tester has knowledge of the source code, it becomes very easy to find out which type of data can help in testing the application effectively.
  • It helps in optimizing the code.
  • Extra lines of code can be removed which can bring in hidden defects.
  • Due to the tester's knowledge about the code, maximum coverage is attained during test scenario writing.
  • Due to the fact that a skilled tester is needed to perform white-box testing, the costs are increased.
  • Sometimes it is impossible to look into every nook and corner to find out hidden errors that may create problems, as many paths will go untested.
  • It is difficult to maintain white-box testing, as it requires specialized tools like code analyzers and debugging tools.

Grey-Box Testing

Grey-box testing is a technique to test the application with having a limited knowledge of the internal workings of an application. In software testing, the phrase the more you know, the better carries a lot of weight while testing an application.
Mastering the domain of a system always gives the tester an edge over someone with limited domain knowledge. Unlike black-box testing, where the tester only tests the application's user interface; in grey-box testing, the tester has access to design documents and the database. Having this knowledge, a tester can prepare better test data and test scenarios while making a test plan.
  • Offers combined benefits of black-box and white-box testing wherever possible.
  • Grey box testers don't rely on the source code; instead they rely on interface definition and functional specifications.
  • Based on the limited information available, a grey-box tester can design excellent test scenarios especially around communication protocols and data type handling.
  • The test is done from the point of view of the user and not the designer.
  • Since the access to source code is not available, the ability to go over the code and test coverage is limited.
  • The tests can be redundant if the software designer has already run a test case.
  • Testing every possible input stream is unrealistic because it would take an unreasonable amount of time; therefore, many program paths will go untested.

A Comparison of Testing Methods

The following table lists the points that differentiate black-box testing, grey-box testing, and white-box testing.
Black-Box TestingGrey-Box TestingWhite-Box Testing
The internal workings of an application need not be known.The tester has limited knowledge of the internal workings of the application.Tester has full knowledge of the internal workings of the application.
Also known as closed-box testing, data-driven testing, or functional testing.Also known as translucent testing, as the tester has limited knowledge of the insides of the application.Also known as clear-box testing, structural testing, or code-based testing.
Performed by end-users and also by testers and developers.Performed by end-users and also by testers and developers.Normally done by testers and developers.
Testing is based on external expectations - Internal behavior of the application is unknown.Testing is done on the basis of high-level database diagrams and data flow diagrams.Internal workings are fully known and the tester can design test data accordingly.
It is exhaustive and the least time-consuming.Partly time-consuming and exhaustive.The most exhaustive and time-consuming type of testing.
Not suited for algorithm testing.Not suited for algorithm testing.Suited for algorithm testing.
This can only be done by trial-and-error method.Data domains and internal boundaries can be tested, if known.Data domains and internal boundaries can be better tested.

Software Testing - Levels

There are different levels during the process of testing. In this chapter, a brief description is provided about these levels.
Levels of testing include different methodologies that can be used while conducting software testing. The main levels of software testing are:
  • Functional Testing
  • Non-functional Testing

Functional Testing

This is a type of black-box testing that is based on the specifications of the software that is to be tested. The application is tested by providing input and then the results are examined that need to conform to the functionality it was intended for. Functional testing of a software is conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements.
There are five steps that are involved while testing an application for functionality.
IThe determination of the functionality that the intended application is meant to perform.
IIThe creation of test data based on the specifications of the application.
IIIThe output based on the test data and the specifications of the application.
IVThe writing of test scenarios and the execution of test cases.
VThe comparison of actual and expected results based on the executed test cases.
An effective testing practice will see the above steps applied to the testing policies of every organization and hence it will make sure that the organization maintains the strictest of standards when it comes to software quality.

Unit Testing

This type of testing is performed by developers before the setup is handed over to the testing team to formally execute the test cases. Unit testing is performed by the respective developers on the individual units of source code assigned areas. The developers use test data that is different from the test data of the quality assurance team.
The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that individual parts are correct in terms of requirements and functionality.

Limitations of Unit Testing

Testing cannot catch each and every bug in an application. It is impossible to evaluate every execution path in every software application. The same is the case with unit testing.
There is a limit to the number of scenarios and test data that a developer can use to verify a source code. After having exhausted all the options, there is no choice but to stop unit testing and merge the code segment with other units.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is defined as the testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function correctly. Integration testing can be done in two ways: Bottom-up integration testing and Top-down integration testing.
S.N.Integration Testing Method
Bottom-up integration
This testing begins with unit testing, followed by tests of progressively higher-level combinations of units called modules or builds.
Top-down integration
In this testing, the highest-level modules are tested first and progressively, lower-level modules are tested thereafter.
In a comprehensive software development environment, bottom-up testing is usually done first, followed by top-down testing. The process concludes with multiple tests of the complete application, preferably in scenarios designed to mimic actual situations.

System Testing

System testing tests the system as a whole. Once all the components are integrated, the application as a whole is tested rigorously to see that it meets the specified Quality Standards. This type of testing is performed by a specialized testing team.
System testing is important because of the following reasons:
  • System testing is the first step in the Software Development Life Cycle, where the application is tested as a whole.
  • The application is tested thoroughly to verify that it meets the functional and technical specifications.
  • The application is tested in an environment that is very close to the production environment where the application will be deployed.
  • System testing enables us to test, verify, and validate both the business requirements as well as the application architecture.

Regression Testing

Whenever a change in a software application is made, it is quite possible that other areas within the application have been affected by this change. Regression testing is performed to verify that a fixed bug hasn't resulted in another functionality or business rule violation. The intent of regression testing is to ensure that a change, such as a bug fix should not result in another fault being uncovered in the application.
Regression testing is important because of the following reasons:
  • Minimize the gaps in testing when an application with changes made has to be tested.
  • Testing the new changes to verify that the changes made did not affect any other area of the application.
  • Mitigates risks when regression testing is performed on the application.
  • Test coverage is increased without compromising timelines.
  • Increase speed to market the product.

Acceptance Testing

This is arguably the most important type of testing, as it is conducted by the Quality Assurance Team who will gauge whether the application meets the intended specifications and satisfies the client’s requirement. The QA team will have a set of pre-written scenarios and test cases that will be used to test the application.
More ideas will be shared about the application and more tests can be performed on it to gauge its accuracy and the reasons why the project was initiated. Acceptance tests are not only intended to point out simple spelling mistakes, cosmetic errors, or interface gaps, but also to point out any bugs in the application that will result in system crashes or major errors in the application.
By performing acceptance tests on an application, the testing team will deduce how the application will perform in production. There are also legal and contractual requirements for acceptance of the system.

Alpha Testing

This test is the first stage of testing and will be performed amongst the teams (developer and QA teams). Unit testing, integration testing and system testing when combined together is known as alpha testing. During this phase, the following aspects will be tested in the application:
  • Spelling Mistakes
  • Broken Links
  • Cloudy Directions
  • The Application will be tested on machines with the lowest specification to test loading times and any latency problems.

Beta Testing

This test is performed after alpha testing has been successfully performed. In beta testing, a sample of the intended audience tests the application. Beta testing is also known as pre-release testing. Beta test versions of software are ideally distributed to a wide audience on the Web, partly to give the program a "real-world" test and partly to provide a preview of the next release. In this phase, the audience will be testing the following:
  • Users will install, run the application and send their feedback to the project team.
  • Typographical errors, confusing application flow, and even crashes.
  • Getting the feedback, the project team can fix the problems before releasing the software to the actual users.
  • The more issues you fix that solve real user problems, the higher the quality of your application will be.
  • Having a higher-quality application when you release it to the general public will increase customer satisfaction.

Non-Functional Testing

This section is based upon testing an application from its non-functional attributes. Non-functional testing involves testing a software from the requirements which are nonfunctional in nature but important such as performance, security, user interface, etc.
Some of the important and commonly used non-functional testing types are discussed below.

Performance Testing

It is mostly used to identify any bottlenecks or performance issues rather than finding bugs in a software. There are different causes that contribute in lowering the performance of a software:
  • Network delay
  • Client-side processing
  • Database transaction processing
  • Load balancing between servers
  • Data rendering
Performance testing is considered as one of the important and mandatory testing type in terms of the following aspects:
  • Speed (i.e. Response Time, data rendering and accessing)
  • Capacity
  • Stability
  • Scalability
Performance testing can be either qualitative or quantitative and can be divided into different sub-types such as Load testing and Stress testing.

Load Testing

It is a process of testing the behavior of a software by applying maximum load in terms of software accessing and manipulating large input data. It can be done at both normal and peak load conditions. This type of testing identifies the maximum capacity of software and its behavior at peak time.
Most of the time, load testing is performed with the help of automated tools such as Load Runner, AppLoader, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Apache JMeter, Silk Performer, Visual Studio Load Test, etc.
Virtual users (VUsers) are defined in the automated testing tool and the script is executed to verify the load testing for the software. The number of users can be increased or decreased concurrently or incrementally based upon the requirements.

Stress Testing

Stress testing includes testing the behavior of a software under abnormal conditions. For example, it may include taking away some resources or applying a load beyond the actual load limit.
The aim of stress testing is to test the software by applying the load to the system and taking over the resources used by the software to identify the breaking point. This testing can be performed by testing different scenarios such as:
  • Shutdown or restart of network ports randomly
  • Turning the database on or off
  • Running different processes that consume resources such as CPU, memory, server, etc.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is a black-box technique and is used to identify any error(s) and improvements in the software by observing the users through their usage and operation.
According to Nielsen, usability can be defined in terms of five factors, i.e. efficiency of use, learn-ability, memory-ability, errors/safety, and satisfaction. According to him, the usability of a product will be good and the system is usable if it possesses the above factors.
Nigel Bevan and Macleod considered that usability is the quality requirement that can be measured as the outcome of interactions with a computer system. This requirement can be fulfilled and the end-user will be satisfied if the intended goals are achieved effectively with the use of proper resources.
Molich in 2000 stated that a user-friendly system should fulfill the following five goals, i.e., easy to Learn, easy to remember, efficient to use, satisfactory to use, and easy to understand.
In addition to the different definitions of usability, there are some standards and quality models and methods that define usability in the form of attributes and sub-attributes such as ISO-9126, ISO-9241-11, ISO-13407, and IEEE std.610.12, etc.

UI vs Usability Testing

UI testing involves testing the Graphical User Interface of the Software. UI testing ensures that the GUI functions according to the requirements and tested in terms of color, alignment, size, and other properties.
On the other hand, usability testing ensures a good and user-friendly GUI that can be easily handled. UI testing can be considered as a sub-part of usability testing.

Security Testing

Security testing involves testing a software in order to identify any flaws and gaps from security and vulnerability point of view. Listed below are the main aspects that security testing should ensure:
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Availability
  • Authorization
  • Non-repudiation
  • Software is secure against known and unknown vulnerabilities
  • Software data is secure
  • Software is according to all security regulations
  • Input checking and validation
  • SQL insertion attacks
  • Injection flaws
  • Session management issues
  • Cross-site scripting attacks
  • Buffer overflows vulnerabilities
  • Directory traversal attacks

Portability Testing

Portability testing includes testing a software with the aim to ensure its reusability and that it can be moved from another software as well. Following are the strategies that can be used for portability testing:
  • Transferring an installed software from one computer to another.
  • Building executable (.exe) to run the software on different platforms.
Portability testing can be considered as one of the sub-parts of system testing, as this testing type includes overall testing of a software with respect to its usage over different environments. Computer hardware, operating systems, and browsers are the major focus of portability testing. Some of the pre-conditions for portability testing are as follows:
  • Software should be designed and coded, keeping in mind the portability requirements.
  • Unit testing has been performed on the associated components.
  • Integration testing has been performed.
  • Test environment has been established.

Software Testing - Documentation

Testing documentation involves the documentation of artifacts that should be developed before or during the testing of Software.
Documentation for software testing helps in estimating the testing effort required, test coverage, requirement tracking/tracing, etc. This section describes some of the commonly used documented artifacts related to software testing such as:
  • Test Plan
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Case
  • Traceability Matrix

Test Plan

A test plan outlines the strategy that will be used to test an application, the resources that will be used, the test environment in which testing will be performed, and the limitations of the testing and the schedule of testing activities. Typically the Quality Assurance Team Lead will be responsible for writing a Test Plan.
A test plan includes the following:
  • Introduction to the Test Plan document
  • Assumptions while testing the application
  • List of test cases included in testing the application
  • List of features to be tested
  • What sort of approach to use while testing the software
  • List of deliverables that need to be tested
  • The resources allocated for testing the application
  • Any risks involved during the testing process
  • A schedule of tasks and milestones to be achieved

Test Scenario

It is a one line statement that notifies what area in the application will be tested. Test scenarios are used to ensure that all process flows are tested from end to end. A particular area of an application can have as little as one test scenario to a few hundred scenarios depending on the magnitude and complexity of the application.
The terms 'test scenario' and 'test cases' are used interchangeably, however a test scenario has several steps, whereas a test case has a single step. Viewed from this perspective, test scenarios are test cases, but they include several test cases and the sequence that they should be executed. Apart from this, each test is dependent on the output from the previous test.
Test Scenario

Test Case

Test cases involve a set of steps, conditions, and inputs that can be used while performing testing tasks. The main intent of this activity is to ensure whether a software passes or fails in terms of its functionality and other aspects. There are many types of test cases such as functional, negative, error, logical test cases, physical test cases, UI test cases, etc.
Furthermore, test cases are written to keep track of the testing coverage of a software. Generally, there are no formal templates that can be used during test case writing. However, the following components are always available and included in every test case:
  • Test case ID
  • Product module
  • Product version
  • Revision history
  • Purpose
  • Assumptions
  • Pre-conditions
  • Steps
  • Expected outcome
  • Actual outcome
  • Post-conditions
Many test cases can be derived from a single test scenario. In addition, sometimes multiple test cases are written for a single software which are collectively known as test suites.

Traceability Matrix

Traceability Matrix (also known as Requirement Traceability Matrix - RTM) is a table that is used to trace the requirements during the Software Development Life Cycle. It can be used for forward tracing (i.e. from Requirements to Design or Coding) or backward (i.e. from Coding to Requirements). There are many user-defined templates for RTM.
Each requirement in the RTM document is linked with its associated test case so that testing can be done as per the mentioned requirements. Furthermore, Bug ID is also included and linked with its associated requirements and test case. The main goals for this matrix are:
  • Make sure the software is developed as per the mentioned requirements.
  • Helps in finding the root cause of any bug.
  • Helps in tracing the developed documents during different phases of SDLC.

Software Testing - Estimation Techniques

Estimating the efforts required for testing is one of the major and important tasks in SDLC. Correct estimation helps in testing the software with maximum coverage. This section describes some of the techniques that can be useful in estimating the efforts required for testing.

Functional Point Analysis

This method is based on the analysis of functional user requirements of the software with the following categories:
  • Outputs
  • Inquiries
  • Inputs
  • Internal files
  • External files

Test Point Analysis

This estimation process is used for function point analysis for black-box or acceptance testing. The main elements of this method are: Size, Productivity, Strategy, Interfacing, Complexity, and Uniformity.

Mark-II Method

It is an estimation method used for analyzing and measuring the estimation based on end-user’s functional view. The procedure for Mark-II method is as follows:
  • Determine the viewpoint
  • Purpose and type of count
  • Define the boundary of count
  • Identify the logical transactions
  • Identify and categorize data entity types
  • Count the input data element types
  • Count the functional size


You can use other popular estimation techniques such as:
  • Delphi Technique
  • Analogy Based Estimation
  • Test Case Enumeration Based Estimation
  • Task (Activity) based Estimation
  • IFPUG method